Benefits of Using Water Filters

Remove the Chlorine from Water

Chlorine is often used to get rid of bacteria in swimming pools as well as tap water. It is added to water so this will not pick up bacteria as it flows through the pipes and into the household. However, Chlorine can be detrimental to health even in smaller quantities. Also, it has been linked to cancer so it is best to prevent its intake.

Maintain Water Quality

When water is filtered, the contaminants in it will be removed. When water is no longer fresh to drink and use, this is probably due to contaminants that are decaying. A water filter can eliminate the substances that can decay or rot over a period of time.

Tastier Drink and Food

Using filtered water for cooking can really create tastier food since the natural taste is preserved even more. The contaminants and bacteria present in unfiltered water can change the taste of food. Filtering water will alter its peculiar taste, which is caused by the chemicals present in it.

Various Techniques Used by a Water Filter

Activated Carbon Filters or Carbon Filters/Pre/filters

This technique makes use of small carbon pieces that are exceptionally porous. The carbon attracts and removes big particles such as sediments and silt from water. The contaminants that are removed by the filter depend on their size, which ranges from 50 microns – 0.5 microns, and efficiency of the filter.The filter can remove smaller contaminants much better since it has the ability to catch both small and large particles.

Active carbon effectively removes chlorine as well as other chemicals that gives water an odd taste. However, it is important to bear in mind that carbon filters do not purify water. The following are substances they cannot filter:


Dissolved solids like metals, minerals and salts

Inorganic contaminants like asbestos, arsenic and lead

Reverse Osmosis or RO and UV Filters

At first, RO was created to separate salt from seawater however, RO is now considered as one of the most effective methods to eliminate several contaminants since water goes through 3 stages before it flows out of the tap.

In the first stage, water goes through a pre-filter, which like a carbon filter, captures larger particles including silt and sediments. Thereafter, pressure is used to force water into the RO membrane, which is known as the heart of the system. This semipermeable membrane aims to get rid of a wide range of contaminants. The moment water moves past the membrane, it goes through one last filter that removes the odor and taste of water to provide clean, odorless and tasteless water.

In addition, an RO filter has the ability to eliminate bacteria, fluoride, heavy metals, microfibers, microplastics and pesticides, among other pollutants.

Water Softener Filter/Attachment

This system aims to reduce if not remove calcium and magnesium from water by replacing it with sodium. While water softeners Princeton are not able to get rid of chemical contaminants on their own, they can be very advantageous when working with other water filtration systems.

A lot of whole house water systems and RO filters include a water softener simply because water softening will protect both systems as well as prolong their lives. It is advisable to have a water softener attachment since hard water can cause damage to filters after using it for a long time. This is since there are a lot more calcium and magnesium in hard water, which forms limescale after some time.

If you’re interested in finding experienced water treatment Princeton specialists, get in touch with us today and let us know what you neeed!